Tuesday, June 26, 2012


When i think of an endangered species, i immediately think of an animal or plant, which are most common. However, i really like Ms Lenden's idea of the concept of the IJ girl being extinct. Society has impacted and shaped all of us all over the world to behave in a certain type of way. Another idea could be our ancestral and cultural beliefs that are endangered. Some of today's youth of seem to be losing tradition and have just do not respect culture or religion anymore. This could be a topic we discuss as traditions, culture and religion are what started our small Nation.

This reminds me of Obstacle courses. maybe we could do an obstacle course and show how there are many things in our way each day and we as human beings face plenty of setbacks, but we can also show that we cannot back down. That every obstacle can be overcomed. Another thing that reminds me of Circles and Squares is the Galaxy and how unlimited it is. The stars, constellations and planets and whatever they have up there is another world on it's own. It's something new for us to explore.

To me success is getting everything you dreamed and worked for. So my was of "success at last" is having a perfect family with a stable job and a normal life. 


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