Monday, June 25, 2012


An endangered species?

Maybe we could do something like what our generation used to watch/play with/eat/do.
E.g, playing with Barbie dolls, using erasable drawing boards, watching Dora the Explorer/Blues Clues or just using our imaginations to entertain ourselves,etc.
Then showing how the modern generation nowadays have iPhones and iPads etc. when all we had last time was a Nokia we used to play Snake.

I guess it's also showing the generation gap nowadays because of how much the world has changed, and showing the contrast of what the modern generation have nowadays as compared to the generation last time. To return to the topic, I suppose the "endangered species" would be what we had last time as compared to now.

Circles and squares.

I thought we could do something like having Circles and Squares as two different types of people(like what we did in the earlier term, being the ball/stick/cloth). So the people who are Circles could be fun, carefree, cheerful, bouncy etc. while those who were Squares could be rigid, unwilling to change their mindsets just like the frame of a square, down to earth or in other words, a possible opposite of the Circles.

We could show how these Circles and Squares co-existed no matter how different they were(conflicts between them), and show how people can overcome obstacles if they just try hard enough instead of turning on each other.

Success at last!

This idea could be portrayed in the form of different scenarios: what one person could consider a success might be different from others. For example, some might consider finishing a marathon to be a success but others might consider surviving a school day or finishing a book, a success.


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