Monday, June 25, 2012

Stimuli Ideas

An endangered species:
When I first saw the topic 'endangered species', I immediately thought of 1. Wild animals 2. Extinction 3. Hunting 4. Death. However, I also thought about it in a deeper level... For example, people and how endangered we are. By definition, endangered means "threatened to extinction" and when I saw that, I thought about the different ways a person can die from. I don't know why I had such depressing thoughts the first time I saw the topic but I definitely found it cool to do a piece on methods of death somehow... We could have different characters telling us how they "died" and going into the methods of death. 

Circles and Squares:
I thought of a rhythmic pattern when I first saw the topic. In my opinion, circles and squares are basic shapes, therefore, we could do a piece on an average student's everyday life and daily routine. Because I thought of a rhythmic pattern at first, I thought that it would suit my idea well as it could show how that student's routine is repeated everyday. For example, wake up, wash up, get changed, go to school, stay for structured lessons, come home, shower, eat dinner, complete homework, watch TV, brush teeth, go to bed, and repeat the routine the next day. 

Success at last!:
"Success at last!" made me think about victory, exams and competitions. My first thought when I saw the topic was my canoeing competitions and how success was hard to achieve when competing amongst other great canoeing schools. Then again, success doesn't necessarily have to deal with competitions. It could be how successful you are in school and your grades. Whenever someone gets their desired grade for whatever subject, they'll definitely feel successful. I was thinking about doing a  play-within-play. I don't know why but it seemed pretty interesting. We could show a bunch of drama students who had just finished performing at their drama showcase and show how successful they felt afterwards. That way, we could relate to the characters and it would be pretty fun to play characters alike ourselves. 

-Melissa Mae :)

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