Monday, June 25, 2012

Ideas for Stimuli :]

1. Endangered species - the first thought that came to me was of animals. i realised that it was very mainstream to think about animals. so here's what i think. isn't the human race an endangered species? sure our total human population is in the billions but the world we know it will definetly die. so, talking about humans, i took my researha step closer to home. there are in fact many endangered species in Singapore. 1. Trishaw uncles (i only ever sew uncles driving them. never any young people.) 2. Hawkers ( many hawkers are retiring and their family bussiness will not carry on because their children would rather work high paying white collar jobs. 3. Ge tai (if im not wrong its the play for the dead people but nowadays i only see them occassionally. apologies if i named it incorrectly.)                                                                
2.Circles and squares - well, circles are indeed a cycle but it also means forever. a promise - wedding rings. Squares  - i like the idea of going back to square 1  . another idea i have for circles and squares is that circles could be rolling into continuity, time and it never stops instead it moves faster and gains momentum. Squares remind me of this invisible wall that all of us have which we build around our vulnerable selves to protect ourselves.  Squares remind me of being claustophobic, trapped, enclosed, and a mental institution.                        
3. Success at last! - when i think of this i imagine someone literally at the top of the world after scaling a mountain and is now enjoying then scenary. i dont know why but i feel that this phrase can be used in sarcastic terms.                                                                                                             Gillian Koh

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