Monday, June 25, 2012


An Endangered Species?
The question mark leaves room for doubt so i don't feel that this stimuli should be restricted to animals only. For example how innocence is lost in today's generation? Or perhaps chivalry because i keep hearing "chivalry is dead". Maybe the active teen is endangered. It seems that we're all attached to our iphones. However after seeing quie a few of us posting about endangered sort of human beings, i thought some animals won't do any harm. So some endangered animals would be the blue whale, the african lion, broad-toothed mice, desert rat kangaroo and cougars and jaguars.

Circles and squares
For circles and squares, we can do contemporary theatre and this stimuli will allow us to use our body more. We tend to neglect how our body moves on stage so for circles and squares i don't have much ideas for it but i'm hoping it can help us with body language and the use of our bodies.

Success At Last!
For this one, we could do something related to people who want to see a change in society? Or people who have a message. We could do something about Severn Suzuki and how she's still an environmentalist even after silencing the world for 6 minutes when she was younger. We can explore what methods did she take to achieve what she wanted? and at what cost? This could be paralleled to the guy who started the Kony 2012 project and ended up arrested for .. indecent exposure in public. Soo we can show these people with a big message but how does it take a toll on them?


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