Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Agatha's Christie's The Mousetrap

Girls, please watch a these video clips of The Mousetrap so that you understand the kind of style that you parodying in TRIH. What are the characteristics of the style of acting?
What else do you notice about the two plays? Similarities? Differences?

Mousetrap Act 1
The Mousetrap Clip 1---Intro & Meet the Ralstons.wmv
The Mousetrap Clip 2---Irritated Husbands,Terrible Females, and The Arrival of the Unexpected Guest
The Mousetrap Clip 3---Well-Disguised Cornbeef---Mrs. Boyle and Major Metcalf get acquainted


  1. I notice that the setting of the plays are almost similar as both are in a Manor. The names are the only thing that is different. It is melodramatic but not as much as it is in TRIH.

  2. The roles of the characters are almost similar, for example the man who came in at 0:40 in Mousetrap act 1 is like Mrs Dudge; stating the obvious in things. And somehow these two play seems to "mirror" each other in their genre of mystery.
    However their differences is in the way they speak and the differences of characters.

  3. I noticed that both plays are about the same thing; A who-dunnit. TRIH was trying to make a parody of THIS play and it this couldn't be any clearer as the suspicious character in The Mousetrap said almost the same lines as Mrs Drudge in TRIH when she answered the phone.

    He said and I quote "The unexpected guest. The guest you did not invite. The guest who arrived from nowhere out of the storm. It's all very dramatic, no?" and "From now on, there will be no more arrivals or departures either. By tomorrow, perhaps even already we're cut off from civilisation." This reminded me of Mrs Drudge's lines as she said "are here cut off from the world".

    -Melissa Mae

  4. i agree with mel. it is clearly a who-dunnit. this is similar to The Inspector Hound. The character, in particular the plumpish man says a lot of unnecessary, redundant things that make him suspicious. what makes it hilarious is that there is dramatic irony as many a times he seems to be doing asides, letting the audience in on the joke.
    another similarity is that the two male characters are veying for the lead female's love and attention. it is evident through their behaviour that they are trying to one up each other. the female lead on the other hand is completely oblivious to their game of one - up


  5. Comparing "The Mousetrap" and "The Real Inspector Hound", I noticed that the playwright for "The Real Inspector Hound" followed the storyline very closely and this allows the audience to draw direct comparisons between the two. This also causes parts of "The Real Inspector Hound" that were exaggerated to be amplified. For example, Mrs Drudge said, "Cut off from the world", morroring the suspicious dude who mentioned something about being "cut off from civilisation".

  6. The Real Inspector Hound and The Mousetrap both have critics watching the play with their hidden agendas and personal desires. The twist in the real inspector hound is similar in The Mousetrap too.

  7. another similarity is how in both, the characters continually hint that there is something not quite right and yet they do not pin point it. there is the constant repetition of the line "how peculiar" "strange" and the general idea that something is about to happen. this adds to the mystery and suspense of the piece as it leaves the audience hanging.

  8. There were characters similar to characters in the Real Inspector Hound. Where they say ominous things that normally would not be said and make it seem as if everything is all very mysterious.
    In terms of setting wise it is rather similar as it is in a manor which is very big and anything could happen in it.

    Nicole C

  9. I think its exactly like mrs drudge and her phone call both are like telling their audience that they are so stupidly telling someone else everything about the place they live in. They have a way of acting that is somewhat melodramatic cause they have the same exaggerated actions.

    --Lauren <3
