Monday, July 2, 2012


What is success?

To me, success is when you feel that you have accomplished something and have met your own standards. It’s when you feel pleased with yourself and your work. I guess it’s also the sense that your esteem is given a boost because of your accomplishment.

Success could be defined as anything to different people but the basis of what makes up ‘success’ to me is usually that feeling of happiness after completing the task.

What is the metaphor of the maze?

A certain stage of one’s life when one has to make many choices and are faced with many setbacks, having to try and try again when we don’t get it right. For example, right now in our teenage years we make a lot of mistakes but no matter how many times we come to a dead end, we get back up and try another way to get out of the maze. Since the maze in this case represents our teenage years, the way out could be a metaphor for when we finally learn what it means to become adults, to learn to make the right choices and going on a journey to develop yourself on the way to get out of that maze.  

What does the maze look like?

It looks intimidating. Something daunting and something that you wouldn’t to go into; but at the same time, when you finally go in you learn how to adapt to the changes and start to try and make your way out. I guess its kind of like a bouncy castle. It looks large and scary, and at first it feels a bit unnerving to have the ground underneath you bounce and feel unsteady, but eventually you get used to it and even start to have fun as you make your way through the castle and eventually exit the castle altogether.


1.                              A complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze. An intricate and confusing arrangement.


A network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way.

A few of the mazes/labyrinths: 

 this maze shows how when we eventually get to the end, there will be something waiting there for us whether it be good or bad, and it also brings about the feeling of success at having completed the maze.

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