Monday, July 2, 2012

Success At Last! (Melissa Mae)

1. What is success?

To me, success is the feeling when you know you have achieved your desired goal after overcoming many, many obstacles along the way. The feeling of success is great. It is when you truly know that all of your hard work and determination -that has been put into a certain goal- has paid of, that you know you're finally successful. 

In this particular story that we're doing (The Maze), success is not achieved only by getting out of the maze, but the journey you had. If you got out of the maze without overcoming any obstacles, it wouldn't even be considered as success after all. The journey you had while trying to get out of the maze is the thing that determines the level of success you have achieved. If you managed to overcome all obstacles in the maze, your level of success would be great. 

"Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats." - Og Mandino

2. What is the metaphor of the maze?
[Message and Intention]

- Why did you go into the maze?

I went into the maze to save the lives of my parents. They were on one end of the maze, and I was on the other. I was given a time limit to save them and if I didn't, they would get killed by an UNSUB. Along the way to the other end, I would encounter many obstacles involving dangerous animals and people. After beating each enemy, I would be given a clue that would tell me which route to take next, and eventually lead me to my parent's whereabouts. I wanted to put a little twist of Criminal Minds and Harry Potter in my story.

- What did the maze look like?

Some mazes...

The maze looks complicated, on both the outside and inside. It is as large or larger than a football field, and is made out of leaves and vines. The maze is very tall and long. This is so that it has an eerie feel to it. When you're in the maze, you'll get confused and feel trapped for a while before you decide where you're headed to next. The maze will be easy to complete if you follow all the steps to get to the other side, however if you don't, getting out of the maze would be a torturous experience for you.

Done by: Melissa Mae :)

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