Sunday, July 1, 2012



What is success? 
- Success to me, means achieving something after trying to get it for very long or achieving something after you have given all your best. Getting out of the maze is a success because a person takes very long to get out of a maze as it is a long process. 


Richardson Castle

The Richardson Farm has a number of large corn mazes, but the fairy tale castle is perhaps the most…enchanting. The mazes change annually, and this castle is now closed, but it’s thrilling to view regardless.

Victoria Park Water Maze

This water maze is beautiful when filled with rainwater. It is distinctive because it is a Chartres Maze. This special type of maze is based upon Christian mythology, and it features a clear cross-like symbology (at right, below) which the believer is meant to walk in a particular pattern (as shown at left below).

What is the metaphor of the maze? Why enter the maze?
-at the end of the maze there is a huge treasure that is worth million of dollars $$$$$$$ and we need to get out of the maze and finish tasks in the maze if we want that treasure. (something like a treasure hunt)


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