Thursday, May 31, 2012

CULTURAL MILIEU The play 'The Real Inspector Hound' was written during the 1960s when, America’s democratic government was corrupt—filled with dishonest, self-seeking politicians and corporate-serving lobbyists. Churches were less spiritual oases than repositories of self-righteousness and social complacency. Schools had long abandoned the more noble purposes of education; instead they merely churned out the technicians and middle managers needed by the corporate order. And marriage had become little more than a loveless prison, demanded by social convention but wholly incompatible with the more expansive human potential for love—and sex. Also during the 1960s, there were different types of women's rights groups being formed. The first, the Women's Liberation groups, were made up of mostly female students and other radicals already active in the civil rights movement. These groups were much smaller and more focused on personal experiences of discrimination. One example was what was known as "the chilly classroom climate". This was a classroom environment that discriminated again female student class participation. These groups put their main focus on working toward equality between men and women in employment, education and the spousal roles of marriage. Another larger better organized group, known as Women's Rights groups, lobbied for the strengthened equal rights laws to be enforced. -AA

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