Monday, June 25, 2012


An endangered species?

Children’s childhood that does not involve technology and gadgets. A simple, fun and exciting childhood where children gather together to play instead of always hanging out through the Internet or having their eyes glued to the television.

Capturing dreams that you once had. You can never remember it fully and wonder why as time goes by the dream fades and become fuzzy.

Circles and squares

A six sided square dice. Probability of landing on 1 number is 1 over 6. Symbolizes how life can have many possibilities and outcomes. With everything done, a consequence follows. For example, like a chessboard. What paths are taken and wrong choices made on the way to ultimately reach your desired goal. Or either what choices are made which landed you up at the losing point. Everything that is done is a gamble with no correct answer. Portray this topic on a game board or chessboard, with dices and everything.

Success at last!

Walking through a maze wondering how to get out. When problems are encountered, this is what you will feel like. Portray the inner workings of your mind and how you come about the epiphany you suddenly had which led to your success.

Nicole Cheah 

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